
You are never fully liberated from Auschwitz, 11 July 2016 Author: Red-125 from Upstate New York The French movie "À la vie" was shown in the U.S. with the translated title "To Life (2014)." It was written and directed by Jean-Jacques Zilbermann. The film is a Post-Holocaust saga, although it opens with scenes in Auschwitz that are truly horrific. Hélène (Julie Depardieu) and Lily (Johanna ter Steege) were friends in Auschwitz, and they managed to survive the death march from Auschwitz to Louslau together. A third friend, Rose (Suzanne Clément) was unable to walk, so they were forced to leave her behind. As it turned out, Rose survived until the liberation of Auschwitz. The three did not see each other again until 1962, when they come together for a reunion at a beachside resort in Northern France. We learn early in the movie that Lily divorced her husband after the war, and is living as a "free soul," with no permanent partner. Hélène and Rose both married concentration camp survivors. The plot of the film--based on the lives of three actual friends--revolves around their interactions during the reunion. No matter how much ice cream they eat, and how they display their new bathing suits, thoughts keep circling back to Auschwitz. They quarrel about tiny details which they remember differently. They revive horrible memories. It's clear that the reunion will change their lives, but whether the change will be for the better or for the worse is an open question. For reasons I don't understand, "To Life" caries a terrible IMDb rating of 6.1. Fortunately, we saw it as part of the excellent Rochester Jewish Film Festival. If we hadn't had "All-Event" tickets, we probably would have stayed home. This is a movie to be seen, not missed. Ignore the rating and seek it out. It's available on DVD, and it will work well on the small screen. See it!


  • 骏年 8小时前 :

    还挺好笑的 文化的梗也很有趣 疫情在家也是难得开心

  • 钦晓昕 0小时前 :

    ”she does have your eyes.““I know.”再见詹姆斯邦德,再见丹尼尔克雷格

  • 郎菁英 0小时前 :


  • 舒幻桃 8小时前 :


  • 睦雁凡 5小时前 :

    3.5 没刻意政治正确但政治正确,套路剧情发展但轻松看完,善良大家庭的中下层人民和三观不正孤独的金字塔上层,没有对比就没有伤害

  • 芙颖 1小时前 :


  • 酒碧玉 3小时前 :


  • 褒水风 6小时前 :


  • 舒幻桃 8小时前 :


  • 良天蓝 9小时前 :


  • 铭盛 0小时前 :

    结局挺出乎意料 以为又是走俗气的那套假戏真做 穷人的朴实坚贞反衬了富人的虚情假意

  • 祁子议 4小时前 :


  • 袭菀柳 0小时前 :


  • 顿温韦 6小时前 :


  • 检紫文 2小时前 :

    挺温馨的…(it’s Sunday kinda movie si)

  • 桥鸿熙 4小时前 :

    7.4 哇哦,居然是部爱情片。感觉全片都在不断重构007这一代号所代表的意义,逐步击垮男性主导的话语权(尤其体现在圣地亚哥一段,女性的轻盈和男性的笨重形成了鲜明的对比),从而让邦德的退幕显得更加顺理成章。一头一尾当然是极好的,满载着碧梨歌词里那种reckless to love的感觉,几乎可以让人忘记safin这个角色有多么傻逼多么意义不明了。(我没看错的话片头动画部分子弹最后一个构成的是vesper吧!)

  • 綦轩昂 6小时前 :


  • 梦娜 6小时前 :


  • 鑫菡 4小时前 :

    这种没什么逻辑也没什么内容的电影 男主是不是至少应该是个帅哥来的!不然拿什么信服观众!!

  • 桑浓绮 1小时前 :



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